The Root Of Communism Is Self-Hatred
I have an intolerable grievance with communists. In truth, my situation has passed far beyond any form of gentleman’s disagreement or matter of diverging political opinion. I no longer debate communism...
View ArticleWhy Black America Must Be Careful
There is a serious crisis stalking America’s black community right now, one that gets relatively little attention. That crisis is one of credibility. This reality has been highlighted by, among other...
View ArticleIs Climate Change Bullshit?
It is known from the geological record that the earth has experienced at least five major ice ages. It is also known that the current ice age began about 2.5 million years ago. Note the word current,...
View ArticleThe Republican Party Needs To Go Away: Part II
Since my last article on the subject, I have noticed a few things. I have noticed that Ted Cruz renounced his Canadian citizenship. I noticed some conservatives take more than a passing glance at my...
View ArticleGulf War III? Just Say No
The Islamic State seems to be the grain of sand irritating the oyster of world order designed by ruling western elites. From the grand theft auto styled drive-by shootings on main supply route Tampa...
View ArticleWhy The American Economy Needs The Beta Male
Our understanding of the beta male’s status as an underappreciated, and downright derided figure in modern American society is reasonably well developed, but what is his true utility? While an answer...
View ArticleConsidering Open Contempt For The American Police
Note 1: This post is in response to the article “Why Americans Should Reconsider Their Contempt for Today’s Police“, previously published at Return of Kings on July 3d, 2014. Note 2: The image above...
View ArticleCould The Islamic State Reorder The Middle East?
The Islamic State As you have likely heard by now, the Islamic State is a de-facto nation on the Syrian-Iraq border. The brutality and inhumanity of their tactics are well known, ranging from...
View ArticleThe Next Fifty Years Of Race And Culture In America
Humanity has come a long way in a very short time. When one takes a moment to consider just how much has changed in our world within the last 50 years alone (a very small amount of time in the grand...
View ArticleWhy Hasn’t Michael Moore Made An Obama Documentary?
I came of age during a time when a massive transition was taking place in how schools were run. I was six years old when the Columbine shooting first rocked the parents of the western world, and eight...
View ArticleNobel Peace Prize Recipiant Malala Yousafzai Is A Coward And A Hypocrite
So the increasingly irrelevant Noble Peace Prize was recently given out, and it came as a surprise to no one that the 2014 peace prize was shared by a 17-year-old Pakistani-born girl named Malala...
View ArticleRevolt: Genesis Of The Tunisian Revolution
The individual man retains his position as an occasional formative force in history. He is the cause of countless effects, as well as the effect of sundry causes; he shapes his era, as much as it...
View ArticleWas Jian Ghomeshi Fired From CBC For Baseless Allegations?
Jian Ghomeshi is a Canadian former talk show host, the man behind very popular radio show Q for eight years during a nearly 14-year career with the Canadian Broadcasting Company (CBC). Ghomeshi had...
View ArticleWhy American Men Should Refuse To Vote
Tomorrow, the U.S. holds its midterm elections. While not quite the orgy of inanity that is a presidential election, there’ll be plenty of idiocy pouring out of the chattering classes like diarrhea out...
View ArticleHow Liberals Neglect Contexts When Crying “Discrimination”
“The sour faces of the multitude, like their sweet faces, have no deep cause, but are put on and off as the wind blows and a newspaper directs.” —Emerson It seems that every few weeks or so I read an...
View Article4 Takeaways From The American Midterm Elections In 2014
On November 4th, Americans trudged off to the ballot box to cast their votes in the midterm election. The Republican Party won decisively, taking the Senate, while increasing their numbers in the...
View Article3 Steps To Prevent The Ignorant Masses From Voting
In a recent opinion U.S. District Judge Nelva Gonzales Ramos called the Texas Voter ID law “[an] unconstitutional burden on the right to vote.” The statement echoes progressives’ attempts compare voter...
View ArticleFinland’s Welfare State Model Holds The Interests Of Terrorists Above Its Own...
For a country that has existed less than one hundred years, Finland has had a violent history. The White Guard defeated the (communist) Red Guard in a bloody civil war, which ended in brutal executions...
View ArticleWelcome To The Part Time Economy
Do you find it difficult to land a full-time job these days? Does it seem like for every full-time position you apply to you are competing against hundreds of other résumés? You might have a full-time...
View ArticleFreedom Of Speech Is Dying In Sweden
Imagine driving one day in your beloved car and suddenly hitting a massive pothole. Distraught over the damage done to your car, you decide to complain to the local government about the condition of...
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