5th Gen War Is Already Here
All is fair in love and war so you better be ready for anything. The nature and mindset of conflict is always changing so a wise man should be cognizant of possible future developments. One rubric...
View ArticleThe 8 Stages All Movements Go Through
I recently read Doing Democracy by Bill Moyers, which is about the universal stages every political or social movement goes through. This book is to political movements what Joseph Campbell’s monomyth...
View ArticleWashington Post Caught Plagiarizing US Government Propaganda On Ukraine Conflict
The US government-owned media outlet Radio Free was recently used as source material for a Washington Post article written by journalist Adam Taylor, who not only toed the same line as the source...
View ArticleIs Washington Post Writer Adam Taylor A Shill Or Part Of Something Larger?
While reading Roosh’s article about Adam Taylor and the Washington Post, I noticed quite a few things I would like to share with people here. The direct link between Adam Taylor and the Radio Free...
View ArticleHow To End Abortion Without Involving Politicians
On January 22nd, 1973 the US Supreme Court made the landmark decision in the Roe v. Wade trial that gave women the right to have an abortion of an unplanned pregnancy. Since this ruling, many different...
View ArticleThe Curious Case Of The Feminist Party In Sweden
In 2005, some Swedish feminists got together and decided it was time for a political party that held feminism as its guiding set of principles. The primary goal of the movement was to eliminate sexism,...
View ArticleHow Communism Is Becoming Interwoven Into America’s Cultural Fiber
I think now more than ever it is of the utmost importance to school our younger brothers who are just starting out on their journey that one of the fundamental truths of life is nothing ever really...
View ArticleWhat House Of Cards Tells Us About Money And Power
There aren’t a lot of shows on television today that have won more popular and critical acclaim than Netflix’s “House of Cards”. Available to all Netflix subscribers, the political drama focuses on the...
View ArticleThe Cycle Of Societal Wealth
A recent article in Al Jazeera’s English website discussed what it called the “cash hoarding crisis” that plagues the American economic scene today. Wealthy corporations have amassed, and continue to...
View ArticleIs Civilization Worth Saving?
ROK seems to have been established on the feeling that men are returning to their rightful places in the world. I want to evaluate that title. Many people associate kings with the great civilizations...
View ArticleThe Reign Of The Useful Idiots
In my last post, I introduced you to Yuri Alexandrovich Bezmenov, a Soviet KGB propaganda agent that defected and came to America in 1970 when he became disillusioned with the communist system and saw...
View ArticleIs The U.S. Military Run By Beta Males?
I watched from a distance the frustration of a field grade officer when he had to put on a helmet, belt and ballistic eye wear to enter an army maintenance yard. His face revealed his shock at having...
View ArticleThe Obsolete Man: The Death Of The American Mind
The Obsolete Man was an episode of the Twilight Zone that first aired in June 1961. In the episode, we see an authoritarian government that has absolute rule over its citizenry. A complete suppression...
View ArticleFact Checking Emotional Propaganda
When I was making a purchase at my local bookstore last week, the cashier solicited me for a donation. This donation was for a charity dealing with sick children or something. I told cashier I came...
View ArticleWhy Declining Fertility Rates Are Not A Good Thing
Fertility decline has been an ongoing trend in the western world. This fact has delighted many westerners, as a recent NYTimes OP-Ed helps to illustrate. In the article entitled “Bye Bye, Baby”,...
View ArticleWomen Should Not Be Allowed To Vote
At the dawn of the 20th century, Britain had the greatest empire the world had ever seen. It stretched from the boreal vastness of Canada to the ice floes of the South Pole, from the scorching deserts...
View ArticleWhat Is The White Man’s Burden?
If you have taken the red pill and spent enough time following the dialogue in mainstream media, you may have noticed the existence of a particular double standard with regard to diversity. Though the...
View ArticleWhy Abortion Shouldn’t Be Taken Lightly
A woman in New Jersey recently made headlines with her recent abortion or, more specifically, her desire to put it on film: Emily Letts, a counselor at a New Jersey abortion clinic, decided to film her...
View ArticleThe Republican Party Needs To Go Away
Reflecting on the situation I was talking with a gentleman in the recent past about the political prospects for the 2016 presidential election. The usual blue pill topics of abortion, gun-control,...
View ArticleThe Real Nature Of Politics
In his penetrating book Straw Dogs, John Gray observes that “in the Persian Gulf, poor and rapidly growing populations need high and rising oil prices to survive. At the same time, rich countries need...
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