It is known from the geological record that the earth has experienced at least five major ice ages. It is also known that the current ice age began about 2.5 million years ago. Note the word current, as in—we are still in it!
Science doesn’t have the full answers as to why ice ages occur, nor does it understand the interglacial periods within the ice ages, where icecaps retreat and the planet experiences warmer climates. We are currently in an interglacial period that started about 10,000 years ago; prior to that the ice sheets came down as far as London and Boston.
The world has been at times a hell of a lot colder. It is even thought that ice sheets spread over the entire planet at one point. It has also been a great deal warmer, with crocodiles and tropical vegetation as far north as Scotland, Canada and Sweden. During an ice age, ice sheets advance and retreat on 40,000 -100,000 year intervals. As you can see from this diagram, Co2 levels and temperatures have fluctuated wildly and unless woolly mammoths drove Escalades and Sabre Tooth Tigers drilled for oil, there are obviously other causes in play.
Now we have the planet’s climate change in context, un-obscured by politics, leftist environmental emotions, and learned ignoramuses mistakenly called scientists who are being kept in a job to push whatever agenda suits the urge of the day. We can see the bigger picture which makes it impossible to ascertain if humans and fossil fuels are making any kind of difference to the planet’s climate. It may sound logical, but so did a flat earth to the medieval kings.
If northern regions were once so warm that tropical species thrived, if ice ages come and go and temperatures fluctuate wildly even during ice ages, how the can you expect me to believe that burning up a few hydro-carbons is making any kind of a difference.
Even if global warming is real and the ice caps are all going to melt, and that is caused by human activity, it really is of no concern in terms of planetary survival, since similar climate changes have occurred on numerous occasions throughout the earths multibillion year existence. Move to the mountains and get on with life.
Sure it will be a huge hassle if the earth’s cities that sit at sea level end up being inundated, and a little ironic if humans caused that climate change, but it seems pretty clear that climate change was going to occur anyway. Probably better if it happens sooner, so NYC can be relocated to Iowa, than when its population is 10 times the size in 500 years’ time.
Mass Hysteria
The rest is just a load of mass hysteria, gas lighting and a good excuse for bankrupt politicians to install new taxes. These things are the new religion. What’s more hilarious is that just 40 years ago, the same scientific institutions were telling us to prepare for a new ice age. Today we need to cut back on light bulbs and walk to work (like that’s going to make any fucking difference while the military gobbles fuel to power jet fighters and commercial aviation has no signs of abating). The ice age scares, which I actually recall in the media as a young child, were used to back big oil and squash ideas for solar, by promising declining temperatures and weaker sunlight. Obviously fossil fuels could be an important staple to survive a colder global climate.
Very convenient, now where have we heard that before?
Global warming is just the flip side of the same argument. The carbon cap emissions trading program was launched by the government so that large ‘polluters’ could pay for and trade their emissions quotas. What this amounted to was a massive covert tax on energy users (everyman and his dog), under written by the likes of Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan, who made most of the profits on it, by acting as market markers. Very little if any of the money goes into ‘environmental’ issues or fossil fuel alternatives and probably a fair amount of it pays for gas gobbling limos and private jets. Nice work if you can get it boys.
We now have a market place for a questionable if not completely bogus product, traded on the world’s financial exchanges that the large investment banks profit from tremendously, whilst little is done about real environmental issues. Personally I don’t blame these banks, if people are so cretinously stupid to allow those in charge to rob them blind.
Meanwhile, the forests in Brazil are still being chopped and burned to provide terrible quality farmland that becomes sterile after a few years. The pacific ocean is awash with garbage, but hey, no one goes swimming that far out so who gives a shit. The Atlantic stock of cod, a wonderful and tasty fish, that was a staple for our parents and grandparents is gone. Fished practically to extinction.
These are just a few, very real and pressing issues that sit in plain sight, while the media grinds its organ about climate change, like a 12 year old boy that discovered his first porno clip. Climate change doesn’t matter all that much, but what does matter is how we treat the planet and our own bodies.
While the media frenzy and banning of tobacco smoking swept the world by storm, all plastic bottles (coke, mineral water etc.) contain a cancerous chemical called Bisphenol A. Despite the fact that the smoking population has declined from some 60% to less than 25%, cancer rates are through the roof—I wonder why?
Here’s one possibility: anti-perspirant deodorant contains aluminum derivates, that have been shown to collect in breast tissue, (almost all women even in third world countries use these products, they are probably more widely used than tobacco ever was). Breast cancer rates have soared, such that it’s now ‘perfectly normal’ for a 30 something year old woman to have breast cancer, a disease our grandparents barely heard of. Light another Marlboro Red and put that speed stick away, because breast cancer rates in men are on the rise too. That’s right, the lymph nodes in your underarms and chest can fire up with cancer, just like a girl’s can, especially when you slather them with toxic petro-chemicals several times a day.
Snake Oil Salesmen
In Victorian England there were frequent scares started by the eminent scientists of the day, declaring that coal would soon be in short supply and within a few decades would run out. Prior to that firewood was in short supply and there were going to be no trees left. Cue a run on the price. I see plenty of trees and the world has an abundance of coal. It costs only $78/ton. I expect that oil will end up costing $1 a barrel long before it runs out, that’s if anyone bothers to keep the wells open.
Throughout history, humanity has been rife with snake oil salesmen, tricky marketing ploys and most of all with politicians angling for advantage by creating some common enemy or threat to our very existence. Climate change is no different. I will agree with you that there are better ways to generate electricity than burning coal and I am sure the internal combustion engine is a ridiculous contraption, an offshoot from the steam engine that never should have been invented. The electric motor is 80% efficient against the petrol engine which is only 25% efficient.
In 1880 Tesla seemed to have some answer to wireless electricity for electrical cars. Why has this technology been off the table for 100+ years? That is the subject for another article entirely. Even if batteries are needed, the will to develop them has never been there in the first place and thus we’ve had to tolerate smog and fumes and general inner city filth. Does the concept of a taxi cab or delivery van, running short journeys in a major city, using hot swappable batteries, available at all service stations, seem so difficult to implement, that we still have to tolerate diesel and petrol fumes? Instead of fixing the problem at source, we’ve plundered the world’s supply of two very rare and precious metals, platinum and palladium, to make catalytic converters.
I agree that it would be sad to see some of the world’s great cities sink under the sea, although from my point of view, the loss of fresh powder snow for skiing and the disappearance of penguins and polar bears would be more tragic. However, the real issues are never discussed while remaining in plain sight. They lack a convenient tag line, politically correct agenda or profit motive. Cleaning up the pacific garbage patch, or getting toxic chemicals out of household products, doesn’t get any panties wet or fire up voters.
You can’t have an opinion about them like you can in regards to banning smoking or stopping global warming. The real issues are just a bloody mess that selfish baby boomers made with their lazy and greedy use of technology. No one is going to be admiring anyone born from 1944-1964. They will be pissing on their graves, if they haven’t tarmacked them over. There are dozens of other examples that make me want to fire up an Abrams Tank and start blasting at things, but I’ll leave that for another day. The take home message is to swallow a red pill, do your own research, and not believe everything you are told.
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