What Every Man Needs To Know About Capitalism And Economics
An article was written recently that, as an economist who has dedicated practically all of his professional life to economics, finance, truth, and reality, I cannot let go unanswered. I found the...
View ArticleBeware Of The Coming Surveillance State
Looking through old family photo albums, I’ve noticed an unmistakable trend. Each generation has more and more snapshots to show off. Of my grandparents, there are only a handful of pictures. Of my...
View ArticleShe Hands You A Condom, Then Insinuates Rape? Canada’s New Political Witch Hunt
As you tuck yourself into bed tonight, still cursing your many problems and present challenges, spare a thought for two men going through hell in Canada. Last month, two Liberal members of parliament...
View ArticleA Practical Solution To End Islamic Terrorism In The West
After the terrorist attacks in France last week, in which seventeen citizens and policemen lost their lives, it’s difficult to find mainstream commentators in America or England discussing methods to...
View ArticleWhy Does The Left Support Radical Muslims?
In the wake of the Muslim attack on the satirical French magazine Charlie Hebdo, the left have cast their lot in with a pair of savages who viciously murdered nine people because they ran a magazine...
View ArticleTactics For The War Against Cultural Marxism In 2015
Our enemies committed many blunders in 2014, but that is now the past. We need to be at the top of our game if we want to expand our offensive into 2015 and win more victories. In this regard, there...
View ArticleIs Democracy Dying?
What form of government is the best? Which type of authority best accommodates the nature of man, and his aspirations for advancement, prosperity, and security? These are expansive and brash questions,...
View ArticleFight Against The Exclusive Portrayal Of Men As Drunk Drivers
You’ve seen the public service announcement before. An inebriated man stumbles out of a cocktail bar with a group of coworkers after having one too many. He fumbles for his keys and gets behind the...
View ArticleEvidence For Blue Pill Brain Damage Puts Modern Democracy Into Question
Democracy is widely accepted as being the fairest political system. Anyone who dares question its legitimacy is usually cast out as a fascist or a moron. Despite this fact, few people seem to...
View ArticleHow The Vegan Cat Principle Shows The Toxic SJW Mindset
A while ago, I came across this article: Veterinarian Leanne Pinfold said the kitten was brought in this month by its owners, who were believed to be vegan. She said the kitten’s diet of potatoes, rice...
View ArticleUnderstanding The Ideology Behind The Islamic State
On 29 June, 2014, the group known at the time to the world as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (also known alternatively as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, or more correctly, the Islamic...
View ArticleThe Russian Opposition Leader’s Girlfriend vs. The British Opposition...
The wild west of Russian politics This week the Russian opposition leader Boris Nemtsov was shot four times by gunmen at the Vasilyevsky Spusk bridge leading to Red Square, home the Kremlin. Whatever...
View ArticleHow Political Correctness Killed 1,200 People
Hi, my name’s Hobbes, and I’m a recovering social justice warrior. Yes yes, I admit it. I used to be a big leftie. When I was growing up, John Howard and George Bush were monsters. Conservatives were...
View ArticleWhy Modern Leftists Are Fascists
Fascist movements are implicitly utopian because they- like communist and heretical Christian movements- assume that with just the right arrangement of policies, all contradictions can be rectified....
View ArticleThe Radical Ideology Of Female ISIS Members
Readers are no doubt generally aware of the activities of the Islamist extremist group ISIS (or ISIL, or IS). Since the advent of armed conflict in Syria and Iraq, it has grown in ambition and reach,...
View ArticleThe Many Ways Education Delays Adulthood
Education keeps people in a constant state of childhood by virtue of its very nature. Just think of your stereotypical frat or sorority, partying and living for the now. Going to classes you hate,...
View ArticleMost Female Leaders Are Only Successful Because Of Their Male Relatives
Hillary Clinton announced her candidacy for President on Sunday. Should she win, which is more than possible and according to many experts likely, she will join a coterie of other female leaders who...
View ArticleWhy You Should Vote For Hillary Clinton In 2016
The local reactions to Hillary Clinton’s announcement of her candidacy for President of the United States were sharply polarized and emphatic between the two ends of the political spectrum. Listening...
View ArticleSexual Assault Prevention Is Coming To An Air Force Base Near You
Yes, this is a Navy poster in an article about Air Force SAPR It’s that time of the year again, in which Airmen are required to submit to anti-sexual assault training, with sexual assault prevention...
View Article29-Year-Old Feminist Demands Government Money For Her Own Sterilization
A British feminist has been whining to high heaven because doctors on the NHS are unwilling to sterilise her on the taxpayer’s dime. Holly Brockwell, 29 (pictured), is now complaining to every media...
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