Is Utilitarianism A Good Way To Judge Right And Wrong?
The late eighteenth century saw notable rationalist figures in English philosophy. Tom Paine attacked the theology of Christianity as a collection of absurdities in his his book The Age of Reason. The...
View Article5 Ways We Must Enforce Equality Between The Sexes
In 2003 Norway became the first country mandating that women must make up at least 40% of board members on major companies. This trend has swept around the world, with countries including Belgium,...
View ArticleJessica Valenti Insists That “Patriarchal Superstructures” Make Women Commit...
In a bizarre diatribe, Jessica Valenti, The Guardian‘s favorite click-bait columnist, claims that vaguely described “misogyny” is behind young women killing themselves. Stretching the truth and the...
View ArticleA Brief Introduction To The Country Formally Known As Sweden
I ask for your patience, dear reader. English is not my native tongue, and words that should flow like water might sometimes freeze to ice. However, my story is both important, and requested, so please...
View ArticleOne Man In State Of Five Million Kills Nine People; Governor Removes...
In the most contrived act of symbolism in the history of the Southern United States, Governor Nikki Haley has called for the Confederate flag to be removed from the South Carolina State Capitol....
View ArticleThe Battle Over Public Libraries Shows How Sweden Continues To Push A...
Any ROK reader is painfully aware of the degenerated hypocrisy the average Tumblr feminist or Twitter SJW share to the world. If you live in the Western world today, you do not have to go through the...
View ArticleTitle IX, The Education-Industrial Complex, And The Manufactured “War on Women”
“[W]e must labour to make society understand that without academic freedom it will lose something it needs far more than it realizes: the free pursuit of truth and knowledge, as contrasted with their...
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